
City of Miami Opens Coral Gate Park

Posted by in Uncategorized | August 07, 2012
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After 13 months of construction, a new recreation building opened at Coral Gate Park on July 28.

Additions include an air-conditioned building with rooms to host several programs at once. Construction of a new playground will begin Sept. 15. This is also the location of the new Coral Gate NET office. The total cost of the project was about $1.5 million. The park is at 1415 SW 32nd Ave in Miami’s Coral Gate neighborhood.

Before the construction project, the small recreation building had no air conditioning and could accommodate only a small after school program and summer camp. The park now also has its own parking area, which it did not have before the renovations.

With the renovation of the building, kid ages 6 to 13 from the surrounding neighborhood can enjoy an after school program that includes homework help and games, in an air conditioned building. The after-school program will start in the fall, and will run from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m.

On top of the new building and playground, Coral Gate Park has incorporated a computer lab. This lab contains 17 computer terminals and will be available for use in the mornings and evenings, when the after-school program is not running.

Long term goals include creating a computer class for seniors encouraging them to get online, as well as social game nights.

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