Greeting from Maria

Hi, Coral Gaters!
First I want to thank all of you who have renewed your 2022 Homeowners Association membership. It is great to have your support and backing in all that we do to beautify Coral Gate and make its streets safe.

We invite you to join the Coral Gate Homeowners Association for the 2022 calendar year. Membership is
$25/year and we are grateful to all of you who support us. We are honored to serve all of you, our neighbors, as we actively pursue the betterment of Coral Gate by working closely with the leadership of the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County. The CGHA serves you.
For those of you who are new members to the community, our neighborhood was founded in 1948. As Miami and Coral Gables grew around us, so did traffic. At one point we had on average 19,000 cars traveling at 45 miles per hour through our streets. This led to the street closures project that finally resulted in the Coral Gate Wall that has created a serene and very walkable community within our borders.
The CGHA has also battled commercial encroachment many times over the years. In fact, your homeowners association was established in 1986 to create the first barricade at 33rd Avenue to prevent traffic from then “Miracle Center.” In 1989 we stopped Varadero Supermarket from bulldozing four homes to expand their parking. We have since faced more recent developers from creating commercial use buildings on Douglas Road.
Please take a moment this year to renew your membership, or join us for the first time. We have lots of ways you can volunteer if you would like to get to know your neighbors better. Now, as you stroll through our much quieter streets with stroller or doggie, take a breath and enjoy the fruits of our labors.
It is so nice to see each other as we take our walks through Coral Gate.

Wishing you all the best this year,

Maria C. Doval
Chair, CGHA